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variable and most expensive equipment treadmill. Prices of goods depend on the complexity of the instruments. Type the cheapest price around 1.3 million dong (type 1 function - the only movement or running away). Structure of the machine is very simple, only two axial rolling and rolling around a rotating conveyor belt, which gauges the speed, time, energy consumption associated with ...
More expensive is the type of function 4-5 (additional massage, shake the waist). This category reserved for women. Vibrators waist for women. For the whole family can be set, you can buy multi-function (about 36 types of file.) This additional types such as rowing movements (a type of weight training, training manual), set back, abdominal exercises .... Come with a video on how to file. Price oscillator under 3 million Now "," ro "" on a commodity new exercise equipment, machine perfect love AB. This is a tool set has a very simple structure, inside the "" machine "is used to move the wheel back and forth by the external control knobs. Who exercises his knees and pushed backward and forward, lifting up and pulling on the tool to train the abdominal muscles and back. Factory price is VND 450,000. Machine has the advantages of compact, easy to use, but the price is so high compared to the simple structure of the instrument. What to pay attention when buying and using When purchasing tools set, it requires the original catalog or user manual. Should consider carefully smooth rotation of the tool, the conveyor belt to be gentle, when used without emitting strange cries .... When deciding to buy an exercise tool you should think it was "ripe." First, this tool will occupy a rather broad in your home. Second, you are determined to maintain a regular practice is not, because after this it will be a material "eyes gai" in your home, "Skip the commercial, King is guilty."